Anguilla 2015

Anguilla 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Crawford - The Last Five Months


I am happy to say that as I write this you are doing wonderfully!  You're listening and overall behavior has been much improved this year!  You have been on green at school all year and have been a really good kid at home too.  We started using a magnet chart that Nanu and Poppie got you for Christmas and that seems to be working well.  Currently, the areas of focus are: no whining, no bad language (this includes baby talk), bed time routine, keeping hands to yourself, doing homework, pick up toys and saying please and thank you.  If you got all but seven magnets each week you get a prize!  So far you have gotten to build a bird house and a locker.  This week you get to plant your garden with Poppie if you keep up the good work!

You are making huge progress at speech therapy and have mastered your K and G sounds.  You are back working on your T,D,N and W sounds.  It won't be long and we won't be going to "new school" anymore.

I just dropped off your application to Our Lady of Mercy yesterday!  It took mom and dad a while to decide which school was going to be best for you, but we finally made a decision and you get to go to the same school as daddy!  I can't wait to see what big boy school has in store for you!

You are still hilarious and we never know what you might tell or ask us!

You are pretty average in size - 3'5'' (60%) and 37 pounds (56%)

You had your first job on January 10th walking "Memmy" for Nanu and Poppie and got paid $2.00.  You love to talk about all of the jobs you are going to have when you get older and how much money you will have.  You constantly tell us, we won't need to worry, that you'll have enough to share!  You are currently saving your money to buy a truck and wood for your building job.

We sure do love you!!

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