Anguilla 2015

Anguilla 2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Jane Clare - 17 Months

Happy 17 Month Birthday to you!!  I'm no better at blogging with you than I was for your brother, although I wish I was.  Your personality is really starting to show these days...mostly good things, but boy do you like to get your way!!  You have just recently begun a love affair with buckling straps on your highchair, car seat and stroller.  You spent hours at the beach last month trying, and a few times successfully, hooking the straps on your highchair.  This has turned into wanting to do it EVERYWHERE!!  It has certainly made getting you in and out quite the challenge!

We spent two weeks at the beach in May and you loved the Gulf, just as much as your brother!  And had zero fear running straight into those waves.  You also enjoyed walking down the beach and stopping to stare at others on the beach.  I never thought you would tan, but you got quite a bit darker while we were there.

Anytime any music comes on you start to dance.  This mainly consists of spinning around and around!  You have quite the high pitch scream, going.  Daddy is praying you learn to tone this down, sooner than later!

You and Crawford still really love each other, although I am beginning to have to tell y'all to stop taking toys from the other and to be sweet.  You want to do everything he is doing, which I think might mean you are going to be a bit of a tom boy, but time will tell.  As of right now getting you to keep a bow in your hair, is next to impossible!

I thought from the first year of your life that you wouldn't be as busy as Crawford, but that is not proving to be the case!  You are busy, busy, busy! Diaper changes are not very fun right now.

You still really love your momma, but are warming up to others.

You still like to eat, but are really loving fruit of any kind right now!  Chicken, not so much.

You can show us where your hair, eyes, nose, mouth, belly, hands and toes are, most of the time.

You are talking more and more each day.  Some of the words you say a lot are:

da da
nana for nanu
poppa for poppie
dude for juice
nite nite
is it for where is it
caw caw for crawford
ga ga for thank you
pank for spank
get it
towel for paper towel or napkin

Can't wait to hear what you have to say next!!  We love you so much!!