This baby is officially cooked enough to make an appearance anytime now and I would be lying if I said I wasn't ready too.
How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20 pounds
Stretch Marks: Not that I can see
Sleep: It hasn't been so great as of late. I am up at least twice during the night and sometimes more, not to mention no position is really comfortable. I can't wait to be able to lay on my back and tummy in the very near future!
Miss Anything: Shaving my legs, putting boots on without assistance, working out
Food Cravings: I really like sweets
Belly Button In or Out: It is certainly trying to become an outie and I now understand why people don't want one!
Although weight wise I am about the same as I was with Crawford this go round I think my stomach is more narrow but sticks out further. We went for an ultrasound on Tuesday and Baby S #2 looks to be like he/she will be small like Crawford - measures in the 20th and 30th percentile in everything and currently weighs about 5 pounds 11 ounces. All I can say is thank you Jesus that I don't have large babies!! I have absolutely no idea how he or she would fit in there. My stomach feels stretched to the max most of the time and the amount of pain he/she causes in all areas throughout the day is pretty amazing. Kickboxer or gymnast maybe??
Anguilla 2015

Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Let The Craziness Begin
It's been a bit hectic around here lately!
First there was Halloween in the rain! It didn't seem to bother him at all, he was completely covered. Unfortunately since I was told to take it easy a few days earlier I didn't make the trip down the street in the rain, but this "doctor" definitely had a blast!!
Crawford also made the switch to a big boy bed on Halloween and he has done GREAT! He still stays in bed and calls for us when he is ready to wake up - anxious to see how long it lasts. I absolutely love the way his beds came out and will post some pictures when the room is complete.
The following week Kyle left for a work trip in Houston, it's actually where he is right now. I'll say it again, I was not meant to be a single mom. I have absolutely no idea how they do it! Crawford and I packed up both times and headed to my parents. I have to say I think they are also extremely thankful that I am not a single mom :). Unfortunately I haven't felt the best over the last six weeks, so I physically can't handle Crawford all by myself. This stinker, baby just seems to get comfortable in the worst places!
Crawford is still so excited for "the baby." We took him to a "Tyke Hyke" class at Woman's Hospital where he promptly said he was having a sister when asked. He then changed his mind in the middle that he wanted a brother. I sure hope he'll be excited brother or sister! The class was great and really showed us what I think we are going to see from him - he's going to want to be right in the middle of everything - no big surprise!
Thanksgiving has come and gone! We had a relatively quite day, thank goodness. Christmas tree and decorations are all put up and now we sit and wait...can't wait to see what life has in store for us as a family of four!
First there was Halloween in the rain! It didn't seem to bother him at all, he was completely covered. Unfortunately since I was told to take it easy a few days earlier I didn't make the trip down the street in the rain, but this "doctor" definitely had a blast!!
Crawford also made the switch to a big boy bed on Halloween and he has done GREAT! He still stays in bed and calls for us when he is ready to wake up - anxious to see how long it lasts. I absolutely love the way his beds came out and will post some pictures when the room is complete.
The following week Kyle left for a work trip in Houston, it's actually where he is right now. I'll say it again, I was not meant to be a single mom. I have absolutely no idea how they do it! Crawford and I packed up both times and headed to my parents. I have to say I think they are also extremely thankful that I am not a single mom :). Unfortunately I haven't felt the best over the last six weeks, so I physically can't handle Crawford all by myself. This stinker, baby just seems to get comfortable in the worst places!
Crawford is still so excited for "the baby." We took him to a "Tyke Hyke" class at Woman's Hospital where he promptly said he was having a sister when asked. He then changed his mind in the middle that he wanted a brother. I sure hope he'll be excited brother or sister! The class was great and really showed us what I think we are going to see from him - he's going to want to be right in the middle of everything - no big surprise!
Thanksgiving has come and gone! We had a relatively quite day, thank goodness. Christmas tree and decorations are all put up and now we sit and wait...can't wait to see what life has in store for us as a family of four!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
31 Weeks
The countdown is really on and I am in no way ready for this baby's arrival!! However, after yesterdays doctor's appointment I am supposed to take it easy and get ready. How does that work? No more pilates, limited walking and a maternity belt! I was told if I have more than one contraction to call her office and come in... it's going to be interesting to see if this munchkin has an earlier due date in mind. I hope not too early!!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Chatter Box
Crawford is talking up a storm and cracks me up constantly! On our way to "school" each morning he asks me to talk. If I ask what about, he says, "no, you pick, momma!"
A few of our conversations lately:
Crawford: "How come Poppie told me to slow down?"
Me: "On your tractor," I asked.
Crawford: "Yeah, my daddy lets me go fast!!"
After Nanu and Poppie left the other night:
Crawford: "Why sometimes you wave bye-bye to me and Nanu and Poppie give me a bath and put me to bed?"
Me: "Well, because sometimes they babysit you."
Crawford: "Oh, I like it when Nanu and Poppie babysit, not other people!"
While we were watching the LSU football game this weekend:
Me: Crawford, are you going to play football when you are a big boy?"
Crawford: Yeah, you going to watch me on TV?
Oh goodness, not sure this momma has the nerves to watch something like that, but I'm also not sure Crawford has the genes. So I think I might be safe!!
In other news Baby #2 seems to be doing just dandy! I went for a check-up last week and his/her heart rate was 156. I so wish I could remember what Crawford's was... I think it was usually in the 140's but I really have no idea. I also had to do my glucose test...which I failed. I had to do the three hour test on Thursday, which was really no fun, but thankfully I passed!! I was really looking forward to beignets and Ninfas with Tin Tin and Unc Dave this weekend; so glad I got to enjoy!!
A few of our conversations lately:
Crawford: "How come Poppie told me to slow down?"
Me: "On your tractor," I asked.
Crawford: "Yeah, my daddy lets me go fast!!"
After Nanu and Poppie left the other night:
Crawford: "Why sometimes you wave bye-bye to me and Nanu and Poppie give me a bath and put me to bed?"
Me: "Well, because sometimes they babysit you."
Crawford: "Oh, I like it when Nanu and Poppie babysit, not other people!"
While we were watching the LSU football game this weekend:
Me: Crawford, are you going to play football when you are a big boy?"
Crawford: Yeah, you going to watch me on TV?
Oh goodness, not sure this momma has the nerves to watch something like that, but I'm also not sure Crawford has the genes. So I think I might be safe!!
In other news Baby #2 seems to be doing just dandy! I went for a check-up last week and his/her heart rate was 156. I so wish I could remember what Crawford's was... I think it was usually in the 140's but I really have no idea. I also had to do my glucose test...which I failed. I had to do the three hour test on Thursday, which was really no fun, but thankfully I passed!! I was really looking forward to beignets and Ninfas with Tin Tin and Unc Dave this weekend; so glad I got to enjoy!!
Monday, October 7, 2013
We Made It... Third Trimester
I can't believe I only have 13 weeks left with this little baby inside of me! I'm definitely getting a little anxious with all of the things that need to be done before then, but somehow it will all get done.
How Far Along: 27 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 11 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I wouldn't dream of anything else!
Stretch Marks: So far, so good.
Sleep: Overall, I'm sleeping okay. Seems as though I have an internal alarm clock that goes off around 1:30 every morning, but most of the time I can get back to my dreams pretty quickly.
Miss Anything:
Food Cravings: Nothing really out of the ordinary
Belly Button In or Out: Unfortunately, it looks like I won't get an outie this time around either. Just a long sliver of a belly button... so unattractive!
I think Crawford is really getting excited about being a big brother! He tells us he is going to help bathe the baby and change diapers, but he wants to make sure we'll be there to help! I usually put him to bed at night, although lately it's been more of a team effort, but he says he's okay if daddy does it when the baby gets here. He got a new book for the baby and reads it to him/her every now and then. I can only pray that the sweet shines through on most days when his world is rocked by "the baby!!"
We are in the process of getting Crawford's "big boy" room all set up (beds should be delivered and installed tomorrow if it doesn't rain, then they need to be painted.) I'll feel much better when he is situated in his new room and I can start transforming his "old room" to the new baby's room - getting new born clothing from the attic, washed and in it's proper place! With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, I know these next three months are going to fly by! I'm trying to enjoy each day; if I'm honest it kind of makes me sad when I think it won't just be the three of us anymore. I know I won't be able to imagine life without the four of us soon, just still a little hard to imagine right now!
How Far Along: 27 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 11 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I wouldn't dream of anything else!
Stretch Marks: So far, so good.
Sleep: Overall, I'm sleeping okay. Seems as though I have an internal alarm clock that goes off around 1:30 every morning, but most of the time I can get back to my dreams pretty quickly.
Miss Anything:
Food Cravings: Nothing really out of the ordinary
Belly Button In or Out: Unfortunately, it looks like I won't get an outie this time around either. Just a long sliver of a belly button... so unattractive!
I think Crawford is really getting excited about being a big brother! He tells us he is going to help bathe the baby and change diapers, but he wants to make sure we'll be there to help! I usually put him to bed at night, although lately it's been more of a team effort, but he says he's okay if daddy does it when the baby gets here. He got a new book for the baby and reads it to him/her every now and then. I can only pray that the sweet shines through on most days when his world is rocked by "the baby!!"
We are in the process of getting Crawford's "big boy" room all set up (beds should be delivered and installed tomorrow if it doesn't rain, then they need to be painted.) I'll feel much better when he is situated in his new room and I can start transforming his "old room" to the new baby's room - getting new born clothing from the attic, washed and in it's proper place! With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, I know these next three months are going to fly by! I'm trying to enjoy each day; if I'm honest it kind of makes me sad when I think it won't just be the three of us anymore. I know I won't be able to imagine life without the four of us soon, just still a little hard to imagine right now!
Monday, September 23, 2013
What A Week!
Our house was plagued with a stomach bug beginning early Wednesday morning! It started with Crawford then moved on to Kyle and then me and then Kyle got it AGAIN!! I pray Crawford and I don't get it again. That was absolutely miserable!! Crawford definitely bounced back faster than his momma and daddy. We are still struggling in the energy department. I literally thought I was on my death bed! I was contemplating not getting the flu shot this year, but this just made my decision. I can't imagine this again and for more than one day! Dear God, please no more stomach bugs at our house for a VERY long time, PLEASE!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Happy Birthday Crawford
I have no idea how he is three years old, but it's true last Monday the little boy held up three fingers instead of two! This year I opted not to do the big birthday party; I figured this would be the last year I could get away with it. I'm sorry Crawford, but we did go to the beach for a week instead! And since he is so special, he had two birthday parties, one at the beach with his Nanu, Poppie and Tin Tin and one in Baton Rouge with the Stolzenthaler clan! I think it's safe to say he had fun at both!
Other than two birthday parties a lot has been going on with this little boy! I'm pretty sure it's safe to say he is POTTY TRAINED!! I think I've been in denial the last couple of weeks, but he wore underwear to school yesterday and no accidents!! I think I expected the process to be much more horrific than it really was. Luckily he got the hang of it relatively quickly. He loves all of his new underwear and especially loves to match his daddy!! Such a big boy!
We're also in the process of deciding whether we are going to hold you/him (I never know what tense I want to use to write) back or start Pre-K next year. This has been a very stressful decision and we still haven't made one, but hoping after a screening at St. James next week that will help us decide. Then we just have to decide where you will go to school!
Below are a few more pictures of the beach trip! It was so nice to be there after the crowds left on Labor Day! He loves to be outside doing anything, but I think for now it's safe to say the water is his happy place - the beach, pool or catching fish!
Happy Birthday baby boy!! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!! Our lives sure would be boring without you!
Other than two birthday parties a lot has been going on with this little boy! I'm pretty sure it's safe to say he is POTTY TRAINED!! I think I've been in denial the last couple of weeks, but he wore underwear to school yesterday and no accidents!! I think I expected the process to be much more horrific than it really was. Luckily he got the hang of it relatively quickly. He loves all of his new underwear and especially loves to match his daddy!! Such a big boy!
We're also in the process of deciding whether we are going to hold you/him (I never know what tense I want to use to write) back or start Pre-K next year. This has been a very stressful decision and we still haven't made one, but hoping after a screening at St. James next week that will help us decide. Then we just have to decide where you will go to school!
Below are a few more pictures of the beach trip! It was so nice to be there after the crowds left on Labor Day! He loves to be outside doing anything, but I think for now it's safe to say the water is his happy place - the beach, pool or catching fish!
Happy Birthday baby boy!! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!! Our lives sure would be boring without you!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
My Dancing Machine
Crawford loves to dance, especially in the nude after bath time!! Recently he has moved on from just spinning round and round. I'm not sure where he is learning all of these moves, but we absolutely love to watch!!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Almost Halfway There!
It's hard to believe that I am almost to the halfway point. I go for an ultrasound next week, so praying everything looks good and baby boy or girl is growing like he/she should.
I'm starting to get nervous about getting everything together. Beds for Crawford's new, big boy room should start getting made in the next couple of weeks which will make me feel a lot better when those are complete! I need to start painting his room, so it will be all ready. Then I can start getting everything ready in the baby's room.
As for being pregnant, so far so good! I have been so lucky to have such easy pregnancies both times!
How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 5 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I didn't make it to five months officially, but was able to hold off until about 18 weeks or so before they made their debut, but now I've just embraced them!
Stretch Marks: Luckily I haven't spotted any more new ones.
Sleep: Last night was the first night I couldn't get comfortable - hip tingling galore! I had to get the extra pillow out for in between my legs and that helped a little. It appears the days of sleeping on my tummy are gone for now. :(
Miss Anything: Sleeping on my back and turkey sandwiches
Food Cravings: Coleslaw
Anything Making you Queasy: Brushing my teeth is making me gag like crazy! I thought the 2nd trimester was supposed to be the easy one! I've had more symptoms now than I did in the first.
Starting to Show: I definitely look pregnant now!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in.
I'm starting to get nervous about getting everything together. Beds for Crawford's new, big boy room should start getting made in the next couple of weeks which will make me feel a lot better when those are complete! I need to start painting his room, so it will be all ready. Then I can start getting everything ready in the baby's room.
As for being pregnant, so far so good! I have been so lucky to have such easy pregnancies both times!
How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 5 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I didn't make it to five months officially, but was able to hold off until about 18 weeks or so before they made their debut, but now I've just embraced them!
Stretch Marks: Luckily I haven't spotted any more new ones.
Sleep: Last night was the first night I couldn't get comfortable - hip tingling galore! I had to get the extra pillow out for in between my legs and that helped a little. It appears the days of sleeping on my tummy are gone for now. :(
Miss Anything: Sleeping on my back and turkey sandwiches
Food Cravings: Coleslaw
Anything Making you Queasy: Brushing my teeth is making me gag like crazy! I thought the 2nd trimester was supposed to be the easy one! I've had more symptoms now than I did in the first.
Starting to Show: I definitely look pregnant now!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Signs of Brotherly Love
Crawford is definitely going to be in shock when he's not the only one in the picture needing attention, but it's moments like the other day that I know what a wonderful, big brother he is going to be. As we were driving home from school, just chit chatting, the following conversation ensued.
Me: "Crawford, what do you think we should name the baby? We need to have a girls name and a boys name and when mommy goes to the hospital to have the baby we can choose."
Crawford: Tears started rolling down his face and he says, " Me don't want my baby to go to the hospital. Me be so sad if baby have to go to the hospital."
Break my heart! I tried to wipe away my tears and explain to him that all mommies and babies have to go to the hospital. I think we are definitely going to have to take one of those tours, so he is a little more comfortable with the idea.
My little bruiser has such a kind heart!
Me: "Crawford, what do you think we should name the baby? We need to have a girls name and a boys name and when mommy goes to the hospital to have the baby we can choose."
Crawford: Tears started rolling down his face and he says, " Me don't want my baby to go to the hospital. Me be so sad if baby have to go to the hospital."
Break my heart! I tried to wipe away my tears and explain to him that all mommies and babies have to go to the hospital. I think we are definitely going to have to take one of those tours, so he is a little more comfortable with the idea.
My little bruiser has such a kind heart!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Baby Stolzenthaler #2
Life is about to get very interesting! Baby S #2 will make it's way into the world sometime in late 2013 or early 2014! I'm already 15 weeks along and have had another wonderful pregnancy, so far. I pray it continues. I'm going to try to answer the same questions every couple of weeks to remind me years later what it was like. I wish I had seen this idea when I was pregnant with Crawford, but...
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 2 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I haven't had to put any on just yet, but I know the day is quickly approaching. I was five months before I wore them with Crawford, but don't think I'm going to make it that far with this little guy or gal.
Stretch Marks: Pretty sure I found two new ones in Turks & Caicos. Cocoa butter was purchased yesterday :(
Sleep: No issues here, yet. I'm still able to sleep on my stomach thank goodness, since my hips start to tingle when I'm on my side. I totally forgot they did this last time!
Miss Anything: I'm not a huge coke drinker, but would love a Fountain Diet Coke!
Food Cravings: Nothing really
Anything Making you Queasy: I've just figured out that too much sweet stuff makes me nauseous.
Starting to Show: My belly is starting to protrude, just a little.
Belly Button In or Out: It's still in, stayed in the whole time with Crawford although I've always wanted an outie.
I can't wait to see what the remaining 25 weeks have in store for me!
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 2 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I haven't had to put any on just yet, but I know the day is quickly approaching. I was five months before I wore them with Crawford, but don't think I'm going to make it that far with this little guy or gal.
Stretch Marks: Pretty sure I found two new ones in Turks & Caicos. Cocoa butter was purchased yesterday :(
Sleep: No issues here, yet. I'm still able to sleep on my stomach thank goodness, since my hips start to tingle when I'm on my side. I totally forgot they did this last time!
Miss Anything: I'm not a huge coke drinker, but would love a Fountain Diet Coke!
Food Cravings: Nothing really
Anything Making you Queasy: I've just figured out that too much sweet stuff makes me nauseous.
Starting to Show: My belly is starting to protrude, just a little.
Belly Button In or Out: It's still in, stayed in the whole time with Crawford although I've always wanted an outie.
I can't wait to see what the remaining 25 weeks have in store for me!
It's Past Time
Crawford, I'm sorry I've been slacking the last two years on posting updates about your life, but I'm going to try to update the world on what's going on with you and your new baby brother or sister growing in my belly a little more frequently. We'll see... I know that's what I said the last time.
Crawford, you are 34 months right now and a ton of fun, although listening is certainly not your favorite activity!! We just got back from Turks & Caicos for the 4th of July and I think you spent more time swimming than sleeping. You absolutely love to swim and start lessons on Monday. You already stick your head under water for several seconds and kick those feet, so I can't wait to see what you learn next week.
You started school full-time in June and I think you are enjoying it. Most mornings you do tell me, "me not gonna cry momma." It breaks my heart, but the teachers say you have a blast with all of your friends - Lincoln, Miles and Luke are who you talk the most about. You are apparently kind of quite at school, which baffles me! You have to give me five hug and kisses each morning right outside your classroom. So sweet!! You're pretty particular and like order, maybe a little OCD - time will tell.
We love you so much and are having so much fun laughing at all of the new, funny things you say to us:
Crawford, you are 34 months right now and a ton of fun, although listening is certainly not your favorite activity!! We just got back from Turks & Caicos for the 4th of July and I think you spent more time swimming than sleeping. You absolutely love to swim and start lessons on Monday. You already stick your head under water for several seconds and kick those feet, so I can't wait to see what you learn next week.
You started school full-time in June and I think you are enjoying it. Most mornings you do tell me, "me not gonna cry momma." It breaks my heart, but the teachers say you have a blast with all of your friends - Lincoln, Miles and Luke are who you talk the most about. You are apparently kind of quite at school, which baffles me! You have to give me five hug and kisses each morning right outside your classroom. So sweet!! You're pretty particular and like order, maybe a little OCD - time will tell.
We love you so much and are having so much fun laughing at all of the new, funny things you say to us:
- Aww Man!
- Who turned the hot on - when we got outside at Whole Foods one afternoon (Louisiana Summers)
- Me see pigs at the Farmers Market - when I told you we were going to the Farmer's Market
- You give the "cook" a round of applause at dinner and say, "good dinner!"
- What you eat for dinner, Tin Tin - pretty much the 1st thing you ask everytime you talk to her
- Favorite Color - Orange
- Favorite Toys - Firetruck, Memory, Bubbles, Cozy Coupe, Tractor, ANYTHING Outside
- Favorite Shows - Jake & The Neverland Pirates, Little Einsteins, Cars
- Favorite Foods - Butter Beans, Tacos, Pizza, French Fries (real healthy, I know)
- Favorite Treats - Smarties (Ms. Pat treat) & M&M's
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