So, I guess I will catch up on what he has been doing for the last six months!! As I was making a list I realized he’s been doing a whole lot, maybe my above statement wasn’t a very good excuse.
Let me just say he is WILD!! He is such a busy body, but such a sweetheart, too. The little guy can’t sit still for more than a minute or two. His playroom is always a mess, because he refuses to play with one toy for an extended period of time. Twelve months to fourteen/fifteen months were hard for me, he was running around, knew the word no, but not sure what it meant. Luckily, he now knows what no means, but often chooses to ignore it!! I truly don’t think we are bad parents, but sometimes I wonder! How are we going to get him to listen!! I spank his hand, he laughs! I put him in timeout, he turns his head to the wall, like so what’s the big deal here! The other day I started counting – 1, 2, and he started imitating my fingers!! How can I not just laugh?! I try so hard to hold it in, but sometimes have a hard time. The teacher at MDO told Kyle the other day that he had a great day and was so good, he is always so good!! Maybe we are bad parents!! Or maybe I'm getting what I deserve. I definitely sense a stubborn streak in him and I can't imagine where he might have gotten that from.Since it’s been so long since my last post, below is a list of what the little munchkin has been up to
· Has been to St. Martin· Has 12 teeth
· Has been walking all by himself since August
· Can point to his nose, mouth, teeth, ears and belly
· Covers his face when you ask, “Where’s Crawford?”
· Loves to throw things in the garbage, he’s such good helper, when it’s not his fork, cup or something else that doesn’t need to be there
· Likes to flush the toilet
· Loves his cozy coupe that he got for Christmas
· Can stack the stars
· Likes to slide down the slide head first!
· Loves to dance to Super Why
· Allergic to peanuts
· Loves school, but seems to live with a runny nose, now
· Is a biter, bit a little girl the other day, ugh!!
· Has been to Vail
· Calls his Aunt Tiney, “dog”
o Really quite hilarious, sometimes they argue Tins will say Tiney and he will say “no, dog!”
· He Can say:
o Keys
o Dog
o No
o Mo for more
o Pop pop for poppie or poppa
o HOT – his absolute favorite
o Bo bo, loves to point them out right now, glad I’m not too freckly because they are all bo-bo’s
o Door
o Ma ma
o Da da
o Cheese
· Words he tries to say, can’t quite finish the whole word, but we know what he’s getting at
o Highchair, sounds like Hiich
o Shoes
o Socks
o Stinky
o Outside
o Garbage
I’ve got lots of pictures that I will try and post over the next couple of weeks from St. Martin, his birthday party, Christmas, Vail, and various other outings!!
Hopefully, I can start keeping up a little bit better, but don’t count on it! I do enjoy looking back and seeing what he was up to!!