Last week was pretty crazy – we closed on a new house, Kyle had his tonsils, uvula and part of his soft palate removed and his deviated septum fixed, which meant I was essentially a single mom! I honestly don’t know how they do it! Wednesday and Thursday were great – I was off of work, Mae was at the house with Crawford and I could do what I wanted (not really, because I was at the hospital), but it was kind of nice not working and having someone helping with Crawford – that would be the life!! Oh well, back to reality!
Kyle’s surgery went well and he got to come home on Thursday, so then I had two babies to take care of. Poor thing I know he was/is in pain – you can now see all of the scabs – yuck!! As of yesterday he had eaten about 24 ounces of Ensure and 2 PowerAde slushes since last Tuesday. The doctor said it would be about 2 weeks for recovery, but I don’t think either one of us really thought it would be that long and this bad!
Enough about that baby, more about the cute one! Crawford is doing wonderfully! He went to the doctor on Thursday and weighs 17.05 pounds and is 26 inches long. Dr. Ronnie didn’t tell me the percentiles, but from what I can tell he is still in about the 50th. He is still scooting around like crazy, we moved the coffee table out of the living room and he is everywhere! He gets up on all fours and makes an attempt to crawl, but falls down and just scoots. He started sitting up on his own this weekend, so maybe that means the crawling will follow. He is also now standing in his crib! The little stinker – I already had to move his mattress down one level as a “single mom” and it appears it now needs to go to the lowest level. I hope dad can do this one!! The new foods he has eaten are apples, pears and bananas. He likes them all, but I think apples are his least favorite of the three. He still is not a fan of the green beans – neither is mom – they take forever to make!! And lastly his new favorite toy is a Dasani water bottle.
As for the house – we bought a house in Woodgate and it is absolutely adorable! We are going to be very sad to move from our precious “doll house” as my grandmother named it, but as the name suggests it just isn’t big enough for the growing family! Although it would have been fine for another year or two, this house was just too cute to pass up! Before we move in, we have a little work to do. The carpet needs to come up in the bedrooms, the master bathroom counters need a new surface, the shower is going to change to all glass, we would like to add an ice maker and wine refrigerator to the bar area and a few other things. Hopefully, we can fit it all in to our budget with enough left over for lots of new furniture! I’ll post pictures once we are done – it will probably be a while.